Evaluating a Realistically Happy Life

ImageSimply living a long life or attaining fine things does not make one happy; happiness is a label solely reserved for he or she who dies as he or she has lived.

Mike Tyson, the famous boxer reportedly earned $300 million in his career, but it wasn’t enough to support a lavish lifestyle that famously includes pet tigers. He filed for bankruptcy in 2003, owing $27 million.

Jesse Livermore, also known as the “Boy Plunger,” the “Great Bear,” the “Wall Street Wonder,” and the “Cotton King,” was one of the most flamboyant and successful market speculators in the history of Wall Street. During his three-decade career as the King of the Speculators he reportedly made (and lost) four separate multi-million-dollar fortunes, was the subject of a best-selling biography (Reminiscences of a Stock Operator) and authored the classic 1940 work How to Trade Stocks. He was also one of the prominent speculators later blamed for having precipitated the Great Crash of 1929, during which he claimed to have made over $100 million.

Livermore committed suicide at New York’s Sherry-Netherland Hotel a week after Thanksgiving in 1940.

Ivar Kreuger was the “Match King,” a Swedish businessman who founded and ran Kreuger & Toll, a multi-billion-dollar match conglomerate. Kreuger, like other financial crooks of his era, was essentially running a huge pyramid scheme through a complex structure of hundreds of subsidiary shell companies, hiding his manipulation by cooking the company books and insisting that financial statements not be audited.

Kreuger & Toll securities were among the most widely held in the United States, and when the company went under in 1932 (nearly $250 million-worth of claimed assets were found to have never existed) investors lost millions in the largest bankruptcy of its time. The scandal led to the passage of laws requiring mandatory audits of all companies with listed securities.

Kreuger shot himself on 12 March 1932, although rumors have persisted that his death was a case of murder and not suicide.

The list of professional athletes and entertainers who had it all only to wind up destitute before or at the end are countless. One of the latest, that comes to mind is boxer Evander Holyfield. His story embodies the fact that we have to get to the end before we evaluate our entire lives.

Most recently, Joe Paterno can be upheld as the poster person illustrating the often forgotten fact  that no man  can evaluate the crest of his happiness and success until the end is known. Paterno was heralded as not only a legendary  football coach, but also as an upstanding mentor who emphasized the importance of character to his players.

Then, before the end, a half-century long career ended not with admiration and the accolades he was so accustomed to , Instead  a rapid slide down from the top with a character demolishing crash on the bottom because of the the Sandusky sex abuse scandal that unfolded on his watch. Two months later, he succumbed to cancer. Post expiration examinations point to   the scandal, retracted  record of achievements,his tarnished  football program and it’s institution, expediting his death and the end, finding him a long way from happier days.

The takeaway from the above  

Be grateful for what you have every day make the most of it, Humble yourself to the sources of your fruit.

Never forget the path traveled and those you met along the way. Money is good but oftimes  not forever, and contributes so little to true happiness; If you lose it, you could find yourself left with nothing else from which to draw satisfaction. Hold near to you the things which last long after all else is gone

Sustain resilience  . When men become successful, they often get sloppy in their decision-making, less circumspect about with whom they associate, and indulge in vices that lead to ruin. Once the negative perils of unnecessary mistakes soak in, it can be weakening both mentally and physically.

Persevere to the end . When you think you’ve “made it that starts your decline.  You can’t let up. You have to maintain and sustain forward progress bolstered by deeply rooted morals and values. Take all the way to the end.

As with most glurge, we might scratch the surface of this one to find a darker subtext beneath: only a few of us lead lives of privilege, it says; the rest of us can take comfort in a skewed “sour grapes” tale which casts those privileged few as corrupt individuals struggling through flawed, unhappy existences, inevitably suffering disastrous losses of their wealth and health. Perhaps better we not obscure the idea that happiness and misery, kindness and greed, and good works and bad deeds are within the capacities of us all, not merely a select few.” –From somewhere in the vast Internet


The Pros and Cons of Being Left Handed

About 10% of the world is left-handed equating to  1 in every 10 people whom  primarily use their left hand to perform daily tasks. Therefore, in a world where most people are right-handed, lefties often have difficulty performing day-to-day tasks with tools, appliances, and other equipment that have been designed for the right-handed majority.

Left handed statistics

Men: 1 out of  every 9 men is left handed.

Women: 1 out of every 13 women is left handed.

Likelihood of Having Left-Handed Children

Studies have shown that left-handedness is linked to the gene LRRTM1, which affects the symmetry of the brain.  The likelihood of passing on this gene increases if both parents are left-handed.

If both parents are left-handed, they have a 26% chance of having a left-handed child.

One left-handed parent and one right-handed parent have a 19% chance of having a left-handed child

If both parents are right-handed, they have a 9% change of having a left-handed child.

Left-handedness decreases with age?

Demographics show that 13% of 20 year-olds in America are left-handed.  However, by age 50, that number drops to 5%.  And at age 80, lefties only make up 0.8% of that age group.

Left-handed Perils

Are left-handed people clumsy?  While left-handed people may be more likely to have accidents, it is probably not because they are more accident-prone than their right-handed friends.  Lefties are more likely to be injured while performing day-to-day tasks due to appliances and machines favoring right-handed people.

Lefties are

  • 85% more likely to get into a car accident
  • 54% more likely to be hurt using tools
  • 49% more likely to have an accident at home
  • 20% more likely to have an accident at work


Some claims have tied left-handed people to an increased likelihood of exhibiting schizophreniadyslexiadyspraxiaautism and other emotional problems.

While this correlation remains widely disputed, the same gene that can determine left-handedness,LRRTM1, also increases testosterone levels in the brain, which in turn could cause an imbalance leading to certain conditions.


  • Some ergonomic computer mice are designed to be only suitable for right hands.
  • Most school desks are designed to cater to right-handed people, making note taking very difficult for left-handed individuals.
  • Light bulbs, screws and most items that are threaded are turned clockwise.  This makes screwing in certain items such as light bulbs very difficult for lefties.

The Upside of Being a Lefty

  • A left-handed individual with 1 year of college education makes an average of 13% more than his right-handed counterpart.
  • And a left-handed person with 4 years of college brings home an income that is 21% more than his right-handed equivalent.

Presidential Lefties

Before the 20th century, left-handedness was considered a disability, so little is reported on which presidents were left-handed.  However, since 1929, 6 of the 14 U.S. presidents were left-handed, including Barack Obama.

Famous Lefties

Some people say that left-handed people show the proclivity to be more creative than right-handed individuals. What do you think?

Some famous left-handed people include:

Julius Caesar

Napoleon Bonaparte

Albert Einstein

Fidel Castro

Bill Gates

Leonardo da Vinci

Babe Ruth

Jimi Hendrix

Marie Curie

An interesting bit of trivia fact.

Why Do We Wear Wedding Rings on our Left Hand?

This tradition turns out to have been started somewhere around 300 BC when people believed that a vein of blood ran directly from the third finger on the left hand to the heart. According to wikipedia “because of the hand-heart connection, people named the putative vein descriptively vena amori, Latin for ”the vein of love”. Due to this tradition, it became acceptable to wear the wedding ring on this finger.” Years later when the circulatory system was discovered this idea was proven wrong but yet the tradition continued on.

“Left-handers get their revenge as batters,” wrote George Will in his book Men at Work. ”At the plate, they stand a step closer to first and the momentum of their swing causes them to uncoil moving toward first. As a result, the average left-hander among today’s major leaguers gets there a second faster than the average right-hander.