Changing oil every 3,000 miles. – Check your owner’s manual or inquire with the manufacturer of the  vehicle. A lot of modern-day vehicles and synthetic oil options have made “Dad’s Advice” obsolete.

Using Premium Fuel Unnecessarily. It’s been documented by manufacturers and mechanics, unless your vehicle is pushing a custom NASCAR or other ultra high-end end performance engine, there is usually little to gain here outside of making oil barons richer.

Failing to change your air filter. Your gas mileage will hit rock bottom, engine could possibly  over heat because it cant’ breathe leading to a “to hell with you” conclusion along a dark deserted highway. You can spend less that $20.00 and five minutes on the air filter or $3000. + on an engine. How ya rollin baller?

Failing to check the brake pads. And ignoring warning sounds. Will lead to unnecessary rotor replacements. Brake pads are relatively inexpensive. This depends on the type of vehicle you drive.. An average cost when replacing brakes can range anywhere from $25 to $60, depending on quality and availability.

If you ignore the warning sounds or pad wear you will incur rotor damage and an additional $200.00 and up depending upon the vehicle and how badly the rotors are damaged. Fred Flintstone stopping his car with feet was a cartoon. You could maim or kill yourself and others rolling the dice with brake replacement.

Buying mileage-boosting additives and devices. Fuel additives — both commercial and homebrewed — are almost always a waste of money. These additives simply will not increase your car’s mpg. If you really want better gas mileage, your best bet is to drive a fuel-efficient vehicle, and drive it frugally.

To understand why so many of these additives are ineffective, it’s helpful to understand that all modern engines are controlled by the vehicle’s on-board computer. The computer relies on sensors to adjust engine functions, including fuel delivery, ignition timing and — on the most advanced engines — when the intake and exhaust valves open and close. Mileage-boosting fuel additives claim to increase the combustion efficiency of gasoline. But the automaker programs a vehicle’s computer to have optimal fuel economy with straight gasoline in the tank. Change the chemistry, and you may actually find a decrease in both performance and mpg — if there is any real change at all. Also, consider this: If there really were safe, cost-effective additives to increase fuel economy, wouldn’t some gasoline brands already be trying to sell them to you (along with their gas)?

Tune-ups. The operations performed for engine tune-up have changed since the 1980s. Modern engines do not need ignition point replacement or dwell, ignition timing, and idle mixture adjustments, which were common on older carburetor-equipped cars. Still, fuel injection systems requiresome maintenance to keep mechanical, electronic ignition and emission systems working properly. A driver can perform some tests, inspections and diagnoses to tune a car, maintaining peak engine performance.

Read more: How to Tune Cars | eHow.com http://www.ehow.com/how_5127777_tune-cars.html#ixzz1UaP9jbXZ

Changing Coolant. Depending on what kind of car you have. If you have a car that was built in the 90’s or older, you need to change it every 36,000 miles. The radiator needs to be flushed and you need to check your coolant hoses. It’s made of rubber and when the coolant gets hot from cooling the engine, it will eventually gets hard and eventually, it will leak. You can usually tell if it’s getting old. You need to flush it and you need a machine for that or if you want to do it the old fashion way, just drain it. Flushing it works better because it can get rid of debris on your radiator. Now, if you have a newer vehicle, lets say 2000 or newer, you don’t have to service the coolant until every 100,000 to 110,000 miles. – To be safe…inquire with a trusted mechanic of stick to your manufacturer’s specs

Ignoring Your Check-Engine Light. I don’t even have to elaborate. Thats like ignoring  a sore on your leg that’s turned green. It will cost you something and you can bet an arm with that gangrene leg it won’t be cheap.

Paying for Built-in or After Market Navigation. Your smart phone can handle that like child’s play

Low Profile Tires. Unless the vehicle came factory  equipped and the manufacturer ( that does not own stock on Goodyear or Firestone) recommends it, or you have a custom vehicle with rims that won’t accept anything else, this can get expensive in a hurry. With today’s insolvent city coffers, pot hole repair tends to get pushed down the priority list. Hit one hard enough with a low profile tire, and tire and rim could dig into your pocket. Roll up over a curb and pull out the credit or bank card. This one is subjective to vehicle requirements and owner preference, but give it some thought.

What are your money saving techniques when it comes to your vehicle? Share in the comment section.